Blindness and Low Vision Studies Programs:
- The Educators of Children and Youth with Visual Impairments program has received Approved Certification Program status by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126, 717-783-6788. PDE evaluates program providers in a seven-year cycle as mandated by 22 Pa. Code § 49.13(d) to provide all stakeholders in the Commonwealth with assurance of program quality and professional educator competency.
The Orientation and Mobility, Vision Rehabilitation Therapy, and Low Vision Rehabilitation programs have full accreditation status by the AER Accreditation Council (AERAC) of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER), 5680 King Centre Drive, Suite 600 Alexandria, VA 22315. University and college programs that are fully accredited have demonstrated, through performance, systems, processes, faculty and procedures, that they offer a high-quality learning experience and preparation for jobs and certifications. The next review for Orientation and Mobility and Vision Rehabilitation Therapy will be in 2022. The next review for Low Vision Rehabilitation will be in 2026.