At Salus University, you will help us change lives. As we carry out our mission of integrated healthcare through innovative education, research and clinical services, we continue to set the standard for health, education, and rehabilitation professionals, advancing the scope of practice and excellence across our academic programs, while setting a distinguished record of firsts.
We recently completed state-of-the-art teaching, workshop and fabrication spaces to launch our new Orthotics & Prosthetics program. This, along with a new Activities for Daily Living Lab and upgrades to our Speech-Language Institute and Pennsylvania Ear Institute, are just the latest physical transformations supporting student and patient outcomes. In the coming year, we will transform our dining and common areas to further enhance the student experience.
Our innovative curricula offer broad-based, interdisciplinary clinical education, presenting our students with a broad range of challenging primary care opportunities. Well-known for our excellent clinical education, our commitment to clinical training presented early in each program provides an advantage for students when externship and other clinical placements begin.
The future of healthcare delivery is dynamic and exciting. Advancements in technology, unimaginable in the past, have become standard practice today. Changes in the nation’s healthcare delivery system are significantly altering every facet of our diversified medical fields. Our mission concentrates on innovation and integration of essential health resources. We not only keep pace with the rapidly expanding areas of healthcare delivery, we also work to set national trends and standards by being the leader in educating top healthcare professionals. We train you to be the next generation of leaders in healthcare.
Our success as an institution derives from combining bright, motivated students with outstanding, world-class faculty, excellent facilities and creative, diverse learning opportunities. Your interest in Salus University indicates a desire to enter a profession experiencing unprecedented growth and development. Welcome to the Salus University family. The challenges will be great, but the rewards will be many.